
Ann Arbor Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

Ronnie D. Peterson's campaign pays $200 to Gospel Music Workshop of America

The campaign committee of Democratic Party candidate Ronnie D. Peterson, Ronnie Peterson Committee, paid $200 to Gospel Music Workshop of America on July 7.

According to quarterly campaign statements filed with Michigan’s Secretary of State, the following reason was given for the expenditure: 'donation'.

The committee has spent about $9,417 total since the beginning of the year, 2.1 percent of which has gone to Gospel Music Workshop of America.

The following table lists the 37 payments the committee has made this year.

1Ronnie PetersonConstituent expense reimbursements$1,3262019-04-29
2Messenger PrintingPayment on debt$1,3122019-04-16
3Mortons Fine CateringCatering expense$8292019-06-12
4Mortons Fine CateringCatering for fundraiser$6112019-03-06
5Cuppy's BestHerndon memorial SVS. dinner$4602019-04-19
6Messenger PrintingPayment on debt$3162019-04-23
7Robert MooreOrgan player for memorial$3002019-06-25
8Negro Business and Professionals PanbpLuncheon tickets$2802019-04-16
9Marriott Eagle Crest ResortFood & beverage expense$2392019-06-04
9Joseph TaylorSchool board ministries alliance breakfast$2392019-06-04
11Buffalo Wild WingsStaff lunch ozone house runaway shelter$2132019-03-18
12Gospel Music Workshop of AmericaDonation$2002019-07-07
12WEMU (Eastern Michigan U)Event tickets$2002019-06-13
12New Covenant Missionary Baptist ChurchDonation$2002019-06-13
12Bishop Dwight Walls MinistriesDonation- 25th celebration$2002019-05-05
16Joseph TaylorRefrigerator & beverages$1932019-03-01
17Kroger 1771 Michigan Ave.Memorial luncheon contribution-burnette simmons$1822019-06-10
18Best BuyDistrict office refrigerator$1802019-03-01
19Kroger 1771 Michigan Ave.Community volunteer luncheon supplies$1772019-07-02
20Second Baptist ChurchchLuncheon tickets$1652019-06-06
21John E. Lawrence EntertainmentEntertainment-collaboration for change$1502019-06-14
22Denny's RestaurantSchool breakfast for community outstanding recognition$1332019-04-26
23Joseph TaylorCapitol tour eastbrook elementary lunch$1272019-06-11
23Big BoyConstituent dinner forum$1272019-04-27
25City Printing Co.Collaboration for change program printing$1252019-06-14
26Latter Rain MinistriesDonation$1002019-06-13
26Greater Love Church of GodDonation$1002019-06-13
26Hollie RobertsonCharitible event donation$1002019-05-25
26Bishop Dwight Walls MinistriesAd in souvenier booklet$1002019-05-15
26Jim Toy Community CenterDonation$1002019-04-08
31Sidetrack Bar and GrillDinner meeting community clean up project$962019-04-11
32Nuwave Fish and ChickenFood donation for white family repass$862019-03-08
33Little CaesarsLunch$642019-06-11
34MeijerFood & beverages$632019-06-11
35Joseph TaylorConstituent gifts - state ornaments$602019-02-26
36The Job ShopFundriaser invitations$512019-02-26