
Ann Arbor Times

Sunday, March 9, 2025

ANN ARBOR / YPSILANTI REGIONAL CHAMBER: UMMA Book Club: Art, Ideas, & Politics to be held Sept 12


Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti Regional Chamber issued the following announcement.

Name: UMMA Book Club: Art, Ideas, & Politics

Date: September 12, 2019

Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT

Website: https://umma.umich.edu/events/4824/umma%C2%A0book-club-art-ideas-politics


University of Michigan Museum of Art

525 South State St

Ann Arbor MI 48109

Date/Time Information:

Thursday, September 12th, 2019, 12pm–1pm

Contact Information:

Send an Email



Event Description:

UMMA's exploration of abstract art, politics, and identity continues with Abstraction, Color, and Politics: The 1960s and 1970s.  Join UMMA and Literati Bookstore for the Art, Ideas & Politics Book Club which will include texts relevant to abstract art as well as the immense social changes of the period. Surrounded by the artworks by Howardena Pindell, John T. Scott, Richard Hunt, Helen Frankenthaler, and Louise Nevelson, we will read and discuss bold and critical voices—both fiction and nonfiction—guided by Literati Bookstore's Creative Programs Manager, Gina Balibrera Amyx. Books include "Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power" (Jan 10), "Art on My Mind, Visual Politics" by Bell Hooks (March 14), "Ninth Street Women" by Mary Gabriel (May 9),  "Flamethrowers" by Rachel Kushner (July 11), and "How We Get Free," edited by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Sept 12).

Gina Balibrera Amyx is the Creative Program Manager at Literati Bookstore, and a graduate of Zell MFA Program. Her writing has been featured in the Boston Review, Ploughshares, Michigan Quarterly Review, and The Wandering Song, an anthology of the Central American diaspora.

The Art, Ideas, & Politics Book Club will meet on the second Thursday of the month, 12-1 p.m. in the exhibition gallery. Pick and choose or come to all of them. Books will be available for sale at Literati Bookstore as well as after book club meetings at UMMA, at a 15% book club discount.

UMMA gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their generous support:

Lead Exhibition Sponsors: University of Michigan Office of the Provost, Michigan Medicine, and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Exhibition Endowment Donors:  Richard and Rosann Noel Endowment Fund, Herbert W. and Susan L. Johe Endowment, and Robert and Janet Miller Fund

University of Michigan Funding Partners: Institute for Research on Women and Gender, School of Social Work, Department of Political Science, and Department of Women's Studies

Original source here.