
Ann Arbor Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Beaumont Health employee Riley Smith contributes a total of $250 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield

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Beaumont Health employee Riley Smith has contributed a total of $250 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC).

There were at least 189 contributions made to political candidates and committees by Beaumont Health employees, 60.3 percent of which have gone to Democratic Party causes and candidates.

According to the Federal Elections Commission, donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections. In a study by opensecrets.org, they found the state with the highest percentage of contributions going to Democrats was Vermont with over 86-percent of the money going to Democratic candidates and committees. The most Republican-leaning state was Mississippi with over 71-percent of the money going to Republican candidates and committees.

Riley Smith's contributions
Jon Ossoff for SenateJonathan T. OssoffDemocratic Party$250
Hickenlooper for ColoradoJohn W. HickenlooperDemocratic Party$250
Sara Gideon for MaineSara GideonDemocratic Party$250
Cal for NcCal CunninghamDemocratic Party$250
Theresa Greenfield for IowaTheresa GreenfieldDemocratic Party$250
Mark Kelly for SenateMark KellyDemocratic Party$250
Jaime Harrison for US SenateJaime HarrisonDemocratic Party$250
Amy McGrath for Senate, Inc.Amy McGrathDemocratic Party$250

Other donations by employees of Beaumont Health
Sangeeta KaurBernard SandersDemocratic Party$3,184
Peter GottschalkBernard SandersDemocratic Party$2,544
Aruna FonsekaElizabeth WarrenDemocratic Party$2,250
Carol ClarkDan SullivanRepublican Party$2,150
Kevin PaquetHaley StevensDemocratic Party$2,100
Sandor ShoichetJoe BidenDemocratic Party$2,000
Kurt TechJohn JamesRepublican Party$2,000
Karol ZakalikHaley StevensDemocratic Party$2,000
John T. FoxElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$2,000
George WilliamsHaley StevensDemocratic Party$2,000
Amy E. Whitten-$1,950
John T. Fox-$1,750
Shelley Binkley-$1,700
Sandor Shoichet-Democratic Party$1,500
Mark RedmanGary PetersDemocratic Party$1,500
George WilliamsGary PetersDemocratic Party$1,500
Charla GaynierDonald TrumpRepublican Party$1,480
Kelly PappasBernard SandersDemocratic Party$1,467
Stephen Howard-$1,350
Larry Paul GageDan SullivanRepublican Party$1,305
Michael RolnickHaley StevensDemocratic Party$1,300
Paul BozykJoe BidenDemocratic Party$1,040
Nicole MarijanovichJoe BidenDemocratic Party$1,000
Mark RedmanJoe BidenDemocratic Party$1,000
Laura FoglemanHaley StevensDemocratic Party$1,000
Karol ZakalikJohn MoolenaarRepublican Party$1,000
John FoxGary PetersDemocratic Party$1,000
Jeffrey MaiselsElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$1,000
Carol Clark-Republican Party$950
Laura MontagueHaley StevensDemocratic Party$942
Shelley Binkley-$875
Michael RolnickElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$875
Mark ChenAndrew YangDemocratic Party$875
Michael RolnickJoe BidenDemocratic Party$850
Robert P. Lorenz-$820
Robert Bradburn-Republican Party$810
Michael RolnickGary PetersDemocratic Party$800
Laurie A. Dunifon-Democratic Party$800
Kathleen VanpoppelenElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$800
Denise WaytesElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$700
Susan SilkaJoe BidenDemocratic Party$672
Evelyn Johnson-Democratic Party$618
Laura MontaueJulian CastroDemocratic Party$613
Samuel Flanders-$612
Paul BozykGary PetersDemocratic Party$600
James David Grant-$581
Laura MontaueJoe BidenDemocratic Party$570
Theresa Cichon Lilly-$565
Shelley Binkley-$560
Theodore Benjamin Jones-$525
David Wood-$525
Cheryl Gibson Fountain-$510
Theodore JonesJoe BidenDemocratic Party$500
Theodore JonesRobert FranklinDemocratic Party$500
Theodore B. JonesDebbie StabenowDemocratic Party$500
Samuel FawazEric EsshakiRepublican Party$500
Kumudinie C. FonsekaGary PetersDemocratic Party$500
Judith McneeleyGary PetersDemocratic Party$500
Jeffrey Maisels-$500
Jeffrey MaiselsGary PetersDemocratic Party$500
Jason AmosDonald TrumpRepublican Party$500
James MezaPete ButtigiegDemocratic Party$500
James HuangGary PetersDemocratic Party$500
Jaime L. Puchalski-$500
Eugene Laveroni-$500
Daniel KraussJoe BidenDemocratic Party$500
Cheryl Gibson-Fountain-Republican Party$500
Barbara S. Ducatman-$500
Giulio FogaroliGary PetersDemocratic Party$450
Amanda FinleyAmy J. KlobucharDemocratic Party$441
Carolyn R.N. Wilson-$437
Marlene SeltzerJoe BidenDemocratic Party$419
Heather Bleecker-Democratic Party$412
Jackie LitwinBernard SandersDemocratic Party$405
Susan Misterovich-$400
Kathryn McdowellJoe BidenDemocratic Party$400
Jill ThomsonJonathan T. OssoffDemocratic Party$400
Lawrence Gage-Republican Party$395
Nicholas BuhayDonald TrumpRepublican Party$375
Nancy B. Goodbalian-Republican Party$365
Susan Grant-$350
Mary Zatina-$350
Margaret Casey-$350
Julie Lichtenberg SternGary PetersDemocratic Party$350
Connie O'Malley-$350
Aaron Gillingham-$350
Michael Rolnick-Democratic Party$300
Joseph DaleyGary PetersDemocratic Party$300
David CrovakBernard SandersDemocratic Party$270
James MezaJoe BidenDemocratic Party$267
Victoria Schuler-$262
Todd Ruffing-Democratic Party$262
Mark Bohen-$262
Jonathan Maner-$262
James Lynch-$262
Denise Waters-$262
Dawn Geisert-$262
Carol ClarkJohn JamesRepublican Party$260
Susan MisterovichJoe BidenDemocratic Party$250
Samuel FawazEric EsshakiRepublican Party$250
Samuel FawazMike DetmerRepublican Party$250
Roberta A. SimoneJohn JamesRepublican Party$250
Jonathan KaperGary PetersDemocratic Party$250
Jeffrey MaiselsJoe BidenDemocratic Party$250
Carolyn WilsonGary PetersDemocratic Party$250
Barbara DucatmanGary PetersDemocratic Party$250
Asha P. ShajahanRaja S. KrishnamoorthiDemocratic Party$250
Andrea ScheidJoe BidenDemocratic Party$250
Amanda FinleyGary PetersDemocratic Party$250
Alison LorentzBernard SandersDemocratic Party$250
Laura MontaueGary PetersDemocratic Party$240
James Liu-$240
James MezaGary PetersDemocratic Party$234
Gayle GroshkoPete ButtigiegDemocratic Party$225
Nancy GoodbalianDan NewhouseRepublican Party$220
Kevin PaquetSara GideonDemocratic Party$220
Pavan BrahmamdamGary PetersDemocratic Party$215
Alex Green-Republican Party$205
Vincent MccormickPete ButtigiegDemocratic Party$200
Vincent Mccormick-$200
Matteo ValentiJoe BidenDemocratic Party$200
Mary Ann MicaleDonald TrumpRepublican Party$200
Leonard WeberGary PetersDemocratic Party$200
Larry GageDan SullivanRepublican Party$200
Kelly Parent-$200
Bella Shleypak-$180
Debra NovogradJoe BidenDemocratic Party$177
Michelle KearnsBernard SandersDemocratic Party$172
Malika HammouJoe BidenDemocratic Party$163
James P. Meza-Democratic Party$150
Harry BaburianJoe BidenDemocratic Party$150
Christopher Deangelis-Republican Party$150
Laura NalliJoe BidenDemocratic Party$145
Thomas Guy Costantino-Republican Party$135
Paul Clarke-Republican Party$133
Connie PoppElizabeth WarrenDemocratic Party$125
Cheryl Banish-Republican Party$125
Laura MontaueHaley StevensDemocratic Party$120
Anne Sepienza-$120
James Meza-Democratic Party$115
Murray RebnerJoe BidenDemocratic Party$112
Jessica SuzioBernard SandersDemocratic Party$110
Walid HarbGary PetersDemocratic Party$100
Vaishali M. Pansare-$100
Salman AzizJoe BidenDemocratic Party$100
Paul BozykAmy McGrathDemocratic Party$100
Marie Konczalski-Republican Party$100
Marie EvansJoe BidenDemocratic Party$100
Larry Gage-Republican Party$100
Kevin Paquet-Democratic Party$100
Kay S. AughtonGary PetersDemocratic Party$100
James GuzmanJoe BidenDemocratic Party$100
Daniel HamstraJoe BidenDemocratic Party$100
Dan Stuit-Republican Party$100
Curtis HoodBernard SandersDemocratic Party$98
Despina WalsworthDonald TrumpRepublican Party$95
Laura MontagueJoe BidenDemocratic Party$90
Nancy Goodbalian-Republican Party$80
Kevin Paquet-$74
Vimal ChowdhryJoe BidenDemocratic Party$55
Robert GranadierJoe BidenDemocratic Party$50
Nancy Wayne IskenElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$50
Nancy Good AlianDan NewhouseRepublican Party$50
Michelle SimonJoe BidenDemocratic Party$50
Michael GratsonJoe BidenDemocratic Party$50
Kathy Thiede-Republican Party$50
Carol ClarkLindsey Olin GrahamRepublican Party$50
Carl Pate-$50
Bella Shleypak-Republican Party$50
Alan RoederElissa SlotkinDemocratic Party$50
Roy Soto-$41
Paul Clarke-Republican Party$35
Alex Green-Republican Party$35
Janet RusdBernard SandersDemocratic Party$27
Claudia SotoBernard SandersDemocratic Party$27
Abubakir BabanBernard SandersDemocratic Party$27
Maria MacatangayJoe BidenDemocratic Party$25
John FortinJoe BidenDemocratic Party$25
Shari LeikertElizabeth WarrenDemocratic Party$20
Gordon MatthewsJoe BidenDemocratic Party$20
Alexandra NowakJoe BidenDemocratic Party$15
Numbers are accurate as of November 27, 2020.