
Ann Arbor Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Chelsea Dog Park Now Open!


City of Chelsea | Free CCO Credit

City of Chelsea | Free CCO Credit

The Chelsea Dog Park is now open!  The City of Chelsea is now taking registrations for its new dog park.  The park is located on the Letts Creek Linear Park Trail, east of McKinley Street, north of the City Treatment Facility (see map).

Registration forms are available on the city webpage http://city-chelsea.org/parks-recreation/forms and will need to be turned in to the City offices.  The new park is part of the City of Chelsea's 5 year Parks Plan Update.  The plan was created by the Parks Steering Committee with public input and approval by the City Council.  The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation provided grant funding for the park and the City Council approved funding for the path to the park.  The path is also a part of a larger linear park concept - The Letts Creek Linear Park - that is also part of the 5 Year Plan.

For more information, contact Chelsea City Offices at 734-475-1771

Original source can be found here.