Organization Directory
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Ann Arbor City Council
Local Government | Municipal Departments
Most recent 05/15/20 - Ann Arbor buffers COVID-19 economic downturn
Ann Arbor Councilman Jack Eaton (d-Ward 4)
Local Government | Elected Local Officials
Most recent 09/15/19 - ANN ARBOR COUNCILMAN JACK EATON (D-WARD 4): City Council Caucus Meeting to be held Sept 15
Ann Arbor Councilman Jeff Hayner (d-Ward 1)
Local Government | Elected Local Officials
Most recent 04/24/20 - ANN ARBOR COUNCILMAN JEFF HAYNER(D-WARD 1): Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) to be held April 23.
Ann Arbor Police Department
Local Government | Municipal Departments
Most recent 04/01/23 - Ann Arbor Police Department announces the last day of Women's History Month